Howdy! Here are some skills videos.
Week 1 - Vertical Stack
Week 2 - The Force
This is where all of the defensive strategy for ultimate is based so it's an important concept to understand. This video, although a little silly, explains the force and why it is important for the game.
Week 3 - Horizontal Stack
I'm sorry, it's not the most exciting video, but it explains the point of the offense. Don't get caught up on specifics, but the "big point" picture is described well - where the open space is and where the dead space is. Videos of horizontal drills are hard to find on youtube, so captains, if you're having trouble coming up with a drill that practices horizontal cuts, come find me before the warm-up and I can describe one to you. Have fun with your games!
Week 4 - Continuation Cuts
The focus this week is Continuation Cuts.
We've already gone through vertical and horizontal stacking - this gives teams even more opportunity to practice these while adding another focus to them - timing cuts off of other cuts.
Again, I've had a hard time finding a good drill for this, but several drills exist that involve a handler dish, dump or upline cut, looking to a downfield cutter going deep, or if their cut was made to early, coming back under into all of the open space they just made.
Week 5 - Breaking the Mark
As cutters, challenging your thrower to make a throw to the dead side will help to open up a lot of options down field. On defense, holding the force and not getting broken are important for a good, solid team defense. The following drill is a great one to help cutters think about cutting to the dead side, challenging throwers to break the mark, and giving defense a chance to really set a hard mark: A way to improve this drill is to have the cut to the breakside continue until about 10 yards from the handler, and then "J" cut over into the live side lane. The thrower should challenge themselves to throw a completion. A breakmark throw that results in a turnover is not helpful unless you really just want to play defense. Practice recognizing when you can break the mark and when you should turn to look at the live side - it is a very important skill! As a cutter, recognizing when you're thrower wants to throw a break, and when they aren't comfortable or their mark is too solid and cutting into the live side is a better choice.
There's lots of videos online about setting a good mark, but most a really long - key points: stay on your toes, don't lunge and get off balance, don't bite too far into the live side. Teams can discuss some of the ways to set a mark and break a mark before their games today.